Create Real-Time Sales Reports with Our Specialist EPOS Systems
When it comes to keeping track of your sales and your restaurant’s daily performance, technology can be a massive support. Whether or not you are already using EPOS systems to help you keep track of how you’re performing, there are always a few different ways for you to keep closer tabs on your daily figures. With a real-time sales report – using leading POS systems – you can keep your daily targets and KPIs in close sight at all times.
At Till Point, we strive to provide the best sales report software in the marketplace – easy to use, intuitively designed, and always delivering fantastic insight into how your operation is running from day to day. Let’s take a look at how our specialist sales report software could help to make your life – and business operations – run that little bit smoother.
Decisions made easier
When it comes to deciding the best courses of action for your front-facing business, you may historically have to rely on data and insights from weeks and months gone by. However, with a leading EPOS system backing you up, you can connect your tills and have all the relevant data you need to hand while you work.
This is great news for fast-paced businesses that are likely to handle a plethora of numbers from day to day. Real-time data available through our intuitive EPOS software is aggregated and correlated into graphs and tables that are easy to understand and a breeze to follow for the seasons and years to come.
With this data at your fingertips, you’ll be able to make smarter, more confident decisions about what happens next. While your data rolls forward in real-time, you’ll be able to plan in real-time, too. No more waiting for information – it’s faster decision-making with greater confidence.
Manage your whole operation regardless of location
The remote accessibility available through our EPOS reporting software means you can make sweeping changes to your sales across multiple locations. Whether you have multiple tills in one location or several stores and/or venues spread across the region, you can toggle your setup remotely.
Use a real-time sales report, for example, to fine-tune any product events you may decide to run at short notice. Deploy promotions, discounts and upscale opportunities to your disparate locations in just a few simple movements.
You can even choose to schedule promotions for specific locations and services ahead of time. Got great insight into how your customers behave around the Christmas period? Just because it’s April, doesn’t mean you have to wait until later in the year to launch new deals and cut prices. Get everything set up now ahead of time with intuitive scheduling all through one platform.
Use EPOS reporting to track your stock levels
Stock levels can be difficult to manage at the best of times. However, with an outdated logging system, you run the risk of losing track of what you have – and what you need. If you’re serving thousands of people via supply chain – or are dependent on having enough stock to run from day to day – it makes sense to set up an EPOS reporting suite to help you keep a close eye on your operation.
Our leading POS sales report platform will help you track what’s sold, and will therefore update your stock immediately. Seamlessly communicating between multiple device points and areas in your operation, you will always have access to smarter stock control, allowing you to make cost-efficient decisions at short notice.
Go back in time
Above all, an effective sales tracking setup requires a firm handle on historical data. While our EPOS sales reporting software is perfect for tracking information in real-time, it will also aggregate data over seasons and quarters as they pass.
The intricate, real-time data capture available through our EPOS platform will allow you to carefully build a detailed profile of what your sales look like over long periods of time. Rather than having to rely on scant information from various documents and multiple different pieces of software, you can rely on our one-point solution to keep your sales strategy on brief at all times.
With accurate historical data, you can be sure to map out your own strategies and assumptions for how customers will behave – and how your products and services will perform in time to come.
How this all benefits you
Regardless of the operation you run, sales analysis software is a must in a front-facing, fast-paced world. By taking stock of how our products and services perform, we can better plan for sales for years ahead.
This is hardly making bold assumptions! It’s simply a case of ensuring that products and services are on-point to satisfy regular buyers, and to ensure that such products can continue to roll out at the quality and standard they demand.
Tracking using sales report software will give you valuable insight into what happens deeper below the day to day transactions you ring up on a till. EPOS reporting is fantastic for drilling down into the specifics, for mining a plethora of data to help you design brilliant plans of action that satisfy your needs. It’s not only your needs your satisfy, of course – but your customers’, too.
Find out more
At Till Point, we understand that no two businesses are ever going to be the same when it comes to sales strategies and till reports. That’s why we provide leading EPOS solutions that tailor more than just the odd sales report.
Till Point is Sheffield’s leading EPOS specialist, providing exceptional insight and guidance to companies across South Yorkshire and the North Midlands. Want to know more about what we can do for your sales? Get in touch with our team now on 01246 435004, or email us via web form at your convenience. Now’s the time to get your sales data down pat – and we’re here to help.