FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
How will an Epos system help my business?
Our Epos systems are built purposely for all businesses within the hospitality and retail sector. An Epos system can speed up service, increase revenue and stop any theft activity you might be facing. You can also run reports to find out your stock levels, best sellers, busiest times etc.
I’ve placed my order – what happens next?
First, our team will sit down with you to discuss your products and prices that need programming onto the Epos system. Once we have all the relevant information from you, our team will then program the system to your exact specification. We will then arrange for installation to suit you and your business. Finally, we’ll give you and your staff the necessary training needed, and we’ll arrange a follow up to ensure you are fully satisfied with your new equipment.
Do Till Point provide support?
Yes, we always provide support with any of our products. You receive full ongoing telephone and email support. Our engineers are here to help you in those times of need and guide you through any changes you may make, or any new additions as your business evolves.
What if I want to make changes to my Epos system after I’ve bought it?
We provide you with our very own Epos manual when we install your system. Our manual guides you through every step of your Epos system – from turning on your system to making programming changes and adding staff names! If you can’t find what you’re looking for in our manual, we’re here to talk you through it.
Can my staff have different levels of responsibility?
Yes, our Epos software enables you to give each member of staff a unique log-in or swipe card. With a quick tap of a button, you can set various permissions for each member of staff so they can only access the functions you want them to.
What is The Cloud software?
The Cloud (TouchOffice Web) is a web-based software which connects to our reliable Epos software. Anytime, anywhere in the world, any number of users have access to live and historic sales data, via a computer, tablet, smartphone and any internet device.
What payment options can I expect from Till Point when enquiring about Epos systems?
You can buy our Epos systems outright once the installation is complete at the price shown on your quote. If you would prefer, we do short-term and long-term rental options from as little as £15 per week as well as lease options where you can spread the cost over a number of years.