Why Upgrade Your POS System with Our State of the Art Software?


In this ever-changing world, keeping your business on its toes is sometimes a difficult process. To be able to serve modern customer demands, and to take on more revenue, you are going to need to be smart about how you offer service. For restaurants, takeaways and retail stores, POS software has become the leading way to enhance customer care and satisfaction. Are you ready for a POS upgrade?

How can you be sure that your till and POS system is doing enough to satisfy your customers? In this day and age, you need to do more than just sell products and give the correct change. If you feel that your POS system – from the intricacy of your interface to the usability of your service in general – could do with an upgrade, there are plenty of great options out there.


Introducing Touchpoint


This is where Touchpoint, our state of the art POS standard comes into play. Touchpoint produces and provides fantastic retail and hospitality resources for all manner of businesses and public services. However, what we are most proud of is the way that we upgrade and enhance your POS experience. For the sake of your customers’ satisfaction as well as your own revenue and turnover, there are plenty of great reasons to pursue a POS upgrade.

A standard POS service is all well and good if it is helping to keep your business ticking over from day to day. However, there is so much more that you could be doing for your customers with the help of Touchpoint.

Touchpoint is a user-friendly, smart and scalable system which you can use securely across a variety of devices and screens. When you need to access your POS through more than a handful of standalone tills, you can depend on Touchpoint to carry your data across to various pieces of hardware on your floor.

But what are some of the benefits you can gain from setting up Touchpoint and its various features? What are the knock-on effects for your business? Let’s take a closer look.


Clear and Concise

For restaurant and leisure management, Touchpoint provides a fantastic, flexible interface. From a handful of screens, you’ll have access to your full table plans, kitchen order translations, and even prompts for you to upsell and add-on products. That means no more having to muddle around with clumsy sales pitches, or reminding your staff to add on products whenever they serve customers.

What’s more, you’ll be able to set up all your popular products and items through an image grid. This means that you’ll always be able to select and add products to a bill or till demand without having to scrabble around for the right phrases and names. You’ll even be able to see what’s in stock, and when you’re going to need to start ordering more items!

Want to find out more? Get in touch with us today!


Enhanced Customer Care

Of course, one of the key reasons to look for a POS upgrade at all is to enhance your customers’ experiences. The more streamlined your POS is, the more efficient and accurate their orders will be. Therefore, from a clear and concise interface outwards, your patrons can expect to receive food and drink that they not only expect, but at a speed that is more than reasonable.

Through Touchpoint, you’ll be able to split the bill between multiple payers, too. This can help to make things easier on many people who visit your premises to eat and drink!

You’ll also benefit from a fantastic customer loyalty service, too. A POS upgrade through Touchpoint will allow you to add discounts and cut rates to dishes and drinks if your patrons visit regularly. Your POS will remember customer IDs through simple scanning. This means that simply by providing a tag or ID card, they will be able to access the best offers and deals from visit to visit. They can build up points to get money off dishes and drinks in future, too.


Easier Team Management

Of course, the best POS system should also allow you to keep track of your team easier than ever before. An upgrade to Touchpoint will allow you to check start and end clocking for your staff, meaning that it’s smoother and easier to manage working hours and shift patterns. Not only that, but you’ll also be able to track staff performance tied into their till logins, too. This means that you can directly reward those team members who are making a massive difference to your business.

What’s more, be sure to take advantage of the fantastic security features on offer, too. Staff and management will be able to log in to tills and POS services through their own unique IDs and fobs. This also means that you can see who is logging in, and reports will also give you fantastic auditing oversight. A POS upgrade to Touchpoint is going to give you access to more data than ever before. Simple!


Scale Up and Down

As mentioned, Touchpoint allows you to scale your POS up and down depending on the exact nature of your operations. You can add modules and services onto your POS, such as kitchen printing, hotel room management, and enhanced card payment features. Ultimately, Touchpoint will allow you to keep a close eye on everything that comes into your business.

Are you using a POS system to your best advantage? It might be time to start thinking about how effective your tills are at processing customer demands. Make sure to take a look at our fantastic range of features and resources.

A POS upgrade may be just what you need when it comes to getting your services up and running with modern demands and expectations. If you’d like to know more, make sure to reach out to our team – or, if you prefer, be sure to fill out our web form and we will get back to you with a bespoke plan of action. Time to make things easier on your clientele – and your team!